Who are archangels?
Who are the Archangels? Archangel Aromatherapy Perfumes
Archangels are light bearers of the highest vibration shining divine light and energy onto the earth as they guide and help each of us on the earth plane to live a happy and peaceful life.
They are part of the heavenly spirit realm and are standing by ready and waiting to help each and every one of us. This is available to you, as it is for me. When I began to open up spiritually my grandmother and the Archangels came to me as my trusted spiritual guides. The Archangels are the highest vibration in the universe so they are a trusted source of spiritual guidance and healing.
Archangels are one of the nine choirs of angels, they are messengers from God, Source, Creator or Universe - whomever you spiritually align with. They have existed long before humankind or organised religion.They are non-denominational which means they are not aligned with any particular religion, although they have been written about in ancient spiritual texts by many of the world’s religions.
Of all the nine choirs of angels, the Archangels are the closest to Earth and humankind. Their purpose is to oversee the guardian angels and to support human beings. That said, it is natural for us to connect with them. If we choose. We don't worship the Archangels, instead they come to us as trusted advisors, mentors and healers.
Archangels work with people of all beliefs and paths. You must call on them as they are of free will as are you. So by asking them for help you invite them into your life .
Truthfully, they will work with anyone who calls on them - always and forever. Never leaving our side.
Archangels are extremely powerful celestial beings that support our physical, emotional and spiritual healing & wellbeing.
Archangel love for us is unconditional and out of this world.
Each Archangel has a primary area of support along with emotional, spiritual, and life areas of support. Archangels are like diamonds, they multifaceted and multidimensional celestial beings who can help billions of people across the globe and be by the side of each of us individually at the same time.
They are the diamonds of the heavenly spiritually realm.
There are 15 Archangels in total each with their own colour, energy, purpose and Archangel Aromatherapy perfume prescriptions.
Here is the list of Archangels and the Archangel Aromatherapy Perfume Prescriptions they created and the areas that each Archangel can support you with:
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is the angel of protection and life purpose. He is the closest archangel to the earth plane and is the ideal angel to begin working with if you are new to your spiritual path. If you are fearful, anxious, or depressed, you can call on him for assistance. He is a powerful spiritual protector who supports the eradication of fear and negative energy on the earth plane. He is usually depicted in spiritual texts with a sword of light that he uses to conquer the darkness. He supports each and every one of us as we tap into our life purposes and gain direction and focus in our lives. His guiding energy is loving and gentle but strong and focused. He is a powerful protector who will clear energy in and around you and help you stay on your path to discovering who you are as a spiritual soul. If ever you feel fearful physically, emotionally, or spiritually, Archangel Michael will shield you and protect you from negative energy and clear it away.
Main areas of assistance (root chakra):
Spiritual and physical protection, shielding, scared, dark thoughts, fear, worry, depression, withdrawn, suicide, panic attack, assertiveness, courage, self-esteem, self-awareness, intentions, fearless, negative energy, soul self, space clearing, nightmares, life purpose, spiritually new, negative energy (home and business), goals, psychic attack, ghosts, entities.
Archangel Aromatherapy Perfume Prescription
No.1 Clear & Protect by Archangel Michael
Organic & Wildcrafted Essential Oils Rose + Lavender + Bergamot+ Angelic love vibration
Archangel Raphael is the angel of healing. We call on Archangel Raphael for healing of the mind, body, spirit, and soul for ourselves, family members, friends, and loved ones. His loving, healing energy can heal, and his guidance touches all aspects of health and wellness. He will also guide you to find healing and wellness practitioners who can support your healing. If you are a healing practitioner setting up a new practice or growing your business, Archangel Raphael will support you to attract clients and grow your healing business. If you are looking for the love of your life, your twin flame, then Archangel Raphael can work with you to find love. He is also the travel angel. He can be called up to bless your travels, stay with you, ease your fears around travel, and to ensure your itinerary goes to plan.
Main areas of assistance:
Therapy, healing, wellness, physical healing, breath work, happiness, surrender, strength, healthy lifestyle, travel, twin flame (true love), exercise, healthy diet, abuse, repression, tiredness, pain, addiction, support for healers setting up a new business, energy healing, guidance on which healers to support healing.
No.2 Healing by Archangel Raphael
Organic + Wildcrafted Essential oils of Lavender+Clary Sage+Rosemary +Eucalyptus + Angelic love vibration
Archangel Gabriel
Reminds me of Joan of Arc. She is a very strong, supportive, female Archangel. She supports you to speak your truth, find your voice, and be fearless in your approach to communicating with the world. She supports those in provisions that communicate with the world such as journalists, writers and public speakers. She is a crusade for parents gently guiding them in they're parenting efforts and those trying to conceive a child. Archangel Gabriel support us to tap into our venerability around creativity and healing our inner child.
Main areas of assistance
Support for clear communication, speaking up and truth, writers, journalists, speakers, teachers, enhancing creativity, healing inner child, conception and parenting.
No.3 Communication by Archangel Gabriel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oils of Vanilla + Tangerine +Vetivert + Angelic love vibration
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel is the angel of beauty and positivity.
She will beautify your thoughts, your space, and your life. Her powerful feminine energy is light and positively divine. She will positively boost your mood, energy, and the space around you. She opens you to the beauty around you and provides inspiration and support for artists to allow the energy of their creativity to positively flow. She will beautify your world, infusing it with positive energy, which attracts joyful experiences, happiness, and wellness.
Main areas of assistance
Positivity, beautify, creativity, artists, alert, joy, happiness, self-image, uplift mood, patience.
No.4 Positivity by Archangel Jophiel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil natural perfume blend of rose + cypress +petitgrain+neroli+ angelic love vibration
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel is the finding angel. He helps you find all that you seek in your life be it new career, friends, opportunities, or lost items and much more. He will help you find and pursue your passions in life along with new friendships and soul mates who come to you to support you as you grow emotionally and spiritually for the evolution of your soul.
Main areas of assistance
Soul mates, passion, lost items, friendships, finding what we seek, career change.
No.5 Soulmates by Archangel Chamuel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil natural perfume blend of geranium+basil+lemongrass+ylang ylang + angelic love vibration
Archangel Raguel
Archangel Raguel is the relationships angel. His purpose is to support you with all the relationships you have in your life, both personal and professional. He can support the healing, growth, and development of relationships and bring harmony when conflict needs to be resolved. He helps you to heal from the emotional pains of relationships and to tune into and honour the guidance received from your clairsentience—your intuitive feelings.
Main areas of assistance
Relationships, conflict, rejection, guidance, clairsentience, soul-utions, manifest relationships, relationship harmony, relationship healing, family disputes, strength.
No.6 Relationships by Archangel Raguel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil natural perfume blend of juniper+ vanilla +sandalwood +basil+ angel love vibration.
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is the archangel of intuition who helps you to enhance your intuition, ideas, epiphanies, and insights to aid all aspects of your life. Intuition is the language of the soul, which can be tuned into and enhanced so we trust our feelings and messages to live a spiritually guided life. He supports you to be clear thinking and to excel in problem solving, and provides intellectual assistance. He is the best archangel to call on for all aspects of work and business development.
Main areas of assistance
Intuition, feelings, doubt, clarity, ideas, inspiration, epiphany, claircognizance, intellectual guidance, business ideas, meetings.
No.7 Intuition by Archangel Uriel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil perfume blend of rose+cypress+petitgrain+neroli+ angel love vibration.
Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel is the archangel of manifestation. She provides her love, support, guidance, and energy for the manifestation of all that you desire to support you to live your best, love life, and attain all worldly desires. She will help you stay centred in a strong belief in yourself and your ability to manifest blessings and material needs into your life. She also oversees the care of animals and the environment on planet earth, so call on her for healing for animals and the environment.
Main areas of assistance
Manifestation, belief, faith, prosperity, abundance, animals, action, new moon.
No.8 Manifestation by Archangel Ariel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil natural perfume blend of lavender + lemon+ angel love
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is the angel of chakras.
Archangel Metatron helps to keep your energy body clear from the build-up of negative energy that can stop the flow of divine guidance and life force to the energetic body. The chakras are the main energy centres found throughout the body. He understands how it can be difficult for sensitive souls to navigate the hard energy within and around them, especially the indigo and crystal children. If you have sensitive children or are sensitive yourself, he is your greatest champion for keeping you sensitive and strong and energetically clear and connected to your inner wisdom.
Main areas of assistance
Chakra, blocked, grounding, sensitivity, chakra clearing, yoga, indigo children, crystal children, children-sensitive.
No.9 Chakra by Archangel Metatron
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil perfume blend of lime+patchouli+vanilla
Archangel Haniel is the angel of peace. She brings peace of mind, trust, and grace, enabling you to stay centred and to calm the mind, tune out ego, and tune into the soul. She supports you to trust yourself and others, which heals trust issues. She brings divine feminine support to women for health and well-being issues. She is a mood goddess who encourages us all to connect with the divine feminine of the moon energy to let go of all that no longer serves us as we live in grace and peace.
Main areas of assistance
Peace, stress, feminine sensitivity, self-doubt, grace, relaxation, contentment, trust, strengths, women’s health.
No.10 Peace by Archangel Haniel
Certified Organic + Wildcrafted ingredients, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Cardamon, Grapefruit & Cold pressed olive oil + Archangel Haniel love vibration.Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is a wise soul and an all-knowing and teaching archangel of esoteric wisdom. I liken him to Gandolf in Lord of the Rings. He is the overseer of the Akashic records where each soul’s past, present, and future is recorded, and he supports you to review past lives for healing to release blocks, phobias, and fears and bring forth your talents for the continued evolution of the soul. He assists in unlocking our innate clairvoyance and spiritual development to awaken to our spiritual gifts as we work consciously to live a spiritually guided life. He is a wise consult for spiritual development.
Main areas of assistance
Esoteric wisdom, spirituality, signs, dreams, spirit guides, spiritual awakening, clairvoyance, consciousness, past lives.
No.11 Esoteric Wisdom by Archangel Raziel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil perfume blend of rose+cardamon+may chang+patchouli+angel love vibration.
Archangel Azrael
Archangel Azrael is the angel of death, grief, loss, and passing over. His gently loving energy guides souls to heaven as they transition from the earth plan during the dying process and the passing over of departing souls. He provides comfort and support for those grieving the loss of a loved one and anyone who is experiencing any kind of loss—loss of a relationship, a business, a friendship, a partner, or an animal. He provides wonderful support for those who work as grief counsellors and healers who provide therapeutic support for the grieving.
Main areas of assistance
Grief, bereavement, sorrow, loss, death, mediumship, councillors, break up, loss of friendship.
No.12 Grief by Archangel Azrael
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil perfume blend of basil+peppermint+neroli+sandalwood+angel love vibration.
Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Sandalphon is the angel of meditation.
He brings a calming support for meditation and staying centred. He supports your prayers to the Universe or Heaven, wherever you feel aligned with spiritually. He provides support for musicians and helps with the healing of anger.
Main areas of assistance
Meditation, anger, confusion, irritability, rage, receptive-open, prayers, musicians, retreat.
No.13 Meditation by Archangel Sandalphon
Organic+Wildcrafted essential oil perfume blend of elemi+mandarin+clary sage+angel love vibration.
Archangel Jeremiel
Archangel Jeremiel is the archangel of motivation.
When we get stuck in our lives and we need to make a change and review where we are now and where we need to go, we need direction and motivation. He brings motivation to stay on our life path and to be kind to ourselves. When times get difficult, you should see it as a sign to stop and take stock, review your life, make changes, embrace new beginnings, and move forward with motivation.
Main areas of assistance
Motivation, forgiveness, guilt, worthiness, focus, respect, new beginnings, divine timing, life review, prioritise.
No.15 Motivation by Archangel Jeremiel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil perfume blends of cedarwood+majoram+basil+petitgrain+angel love vibration.
Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel is the archangel of memory.
He assists you with memory recall of situations, events, and people that you may have forgotten. He supports you to recall painful memories for the purpose of healing and releasing so that you can forgive yourself and others. When we forgive, we surrender holding onto pains that do not serve us or others. Archangel Zadkiel assists students to remember facts and figures for exams and study. He boosts and heals memory.
Main Areas of Assistance
Memory, forgetfulness, regret, self-blame, concentrate, inner voice, clairaudience, memories, healing painful memories.
No.15 Memory by Archangel Zadkiel
Organic + Wildcrafted essential oil perfume blend of orange+peppermint+rosemary+vanilla+angel love vibration.