Safety Precautions
Don't apply concentrated essential oils directly on the skin.
Test for sensitivities. Most people with sensitivities to synthetic fragrances are not sensitive to high-quality essential oils. It is recommended that you do a patch test before use.
Use with caution those essential oils that result in photosensitivity. Citrus oils can irritate skin, and some of them will cause uneven pigmentation of the skin upon exposure to sun. This is especially true of bergamot, which contains bergaptene, a powerful photosensitizer that will cause allergic reactions in some individuals. (Bergaptene-free oil is available.)
Keep all essential oils away from the eyes.
Keep all essential oils out of the reach of young children.
Vary the essential oils you use. Using the same facial oil blend for a long period of time is acceptable because it covers a very small part of the body, but daily application of the same blend of oils over your entire body for more than two weeks is not recommended.
Don't take essential oils orally.
Be cautious about using essential oils during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.
Be cautious about using essential oils if you have a serious health problems such as asthma, epilepsy or heart disease.
If you ever experience skin irritation or accidentally get essential oils in the eyes, dilute with straight vegetable oil, not water.
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